How to place an order.
Please note: The shopping cart and checkout pages will only appear when you are logged into your account.
New customers
To place an order you will first need to contact us and provide details of the cable(s) you require.
This site shows examples of cables with some of the more common connector types.
If your cable uses connectors not shown in these examples we would need to know the name or part number of the required connector(s).
We can supply cables fitted with most industry standard connectors.
Order processing
Once your cable specifications have been confirmed we will provide you with a quotation including a price and an estimated shipping lead time.
Orders can be processed online via this website or offline via invoicing.
If you prefer to place your order online you will need to create an account on the website.
Any cables we produce for you will then appear in the 'My custom cables' section of the site.
Note: these cables and the shopping cart/checkout facilities will only appear when you are logged into your account.
They will not be visible to other users.
To process an order offline we would simply need a purchase order or an email confiming that you want to proceed with the order.
We will then send you an invoice with payment details.