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My custom cables
Custom cable information
Internal USB cables and adaptors
General pin header cables
2.54mm, 2.5mm, 2mm, 1.25mm pitch
General pin header cables
3mm, 3.96mm, 4.2mm, 5.08mm pitch
Pin header Extension cables
General purpose,USB,Audio
Pin header pitch adaptors/converters
Internal audio cables
D-Sub Serial/RS232 cables
Ribbon cables
Standard 2.54mm pitch
Ribbon cables
2mm, 1.27mm and mixed pitch
D-Sub and DIN cables
Special purpose USB 2.0 cables.
These cables are intended for USB 2.0 applications that include pin header connectors at one or both ends.
Click on an image to see the product range for a particular style pin header connector.
USB plug and socket to 2.54mm pitch pin header adaptor cables
USB 2.0 pin header to pin header cables. 2.54mm and 2mm pitch range
USB plug and socket to 2.0mm pitch pin header adaptor cables
USB 2.0 picoblade (1.25mm pitch) to pin header,plug and socket cables
USB 2.0 JST PHR-4 PHR-5 (2mm pitch) to pin header,plug and socket cables