USB Mini B plug to pin header cable ( 2.54mm pitch)

USB mini B to 5 pin header (2.54mm pitch)

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USB Mini B plug to pin header cable ( 2.54mm pitch).<

Uses USB 2.0 shielded cable and includes.

  • USB Mini B male connector.
  • 2.54mm pitch female pin header connector.

    Normally supplied with a 1x4 or 1x5 way connector (other sizes available).

    Custom lengths available up to 2m.

    Pin configuration

    Pin header connector can be configured to the customer's requirements.
    The following is a typical configuration.

    Pin 1: 5V
    Pin 2:Data -
    Pin 3:Data+
    Pin 4: Ground and Shield ground.
    Pin 5: NC (not required as shield is connected to GND via pin 4).